Tuesday, January 16, 2007

I am so out of shape.

So I put in my "Get Ripped" workout DVD yesterday. I bought it before Christmas and hadn't tried it yet. It uses a lot of free weights and is mainly exercises you would do in a gym. Squats, lunges, dead lifts, blah blah blah...I am in so much pain today!

I can hardly lift my arms because there is a section of push-ups, which I couldn't finish because I am so weak. I couldn't make it through the video...my legs had had enough! Out of the 60 minute video I did 45 minute only using 2 lb weights and sometimes 5 lb weights.

I can't walk up the stairs or down the stairs...and I was taking the easy on this workout. Next time I do it I am going to use no weight at all and forget all the pulsing. I think this video is going to be awesome however, once I get to the point I can get through it without wanting to scream, or die I am not sure which. Those push-ups are going to haunt my dreams until I can get through it.

I refuse to have another baby until I can get my body to the point that it at least recognises its reflection in the mirror again. I used to have such nice abs...boo hoo. When you have a baby it feels like your body is on lone for 2 years. The first year because you are growing the baby, and the second year because you are healing and breast feeding, and getting back in shape. If I can get back into "wicked awesome holy crap you look amazing" shape before I get pregnant again than I'll have a fighting chance after number two.

At least that is what I keep telling myself. There are definitely things that will never be the same again. And all my girlfriends that have had babies know what I am talking about....


Alyson said...

Maybe you could do just a 1/2 hour one day (upperbody) and a 1/2 hour the next day (lowerbody) then only half your body would be sore at a time.

ItCantJustBeMe said...

Ladies, I have a feeling I'm going to be one of those people who crosses last and barfs or wets themselves and the Ottawa Sun is there to take a picture and post it on the front page.

I'm cold, and its so dark out and blah blah blah....

PS. I have a new post on my blog now. Andrew never gets off the computer at home so I haven't had much time to figure out my password.

Anonymous said...

That is a totally hilarious story! I feel your pain... Sorry to hear about your beloved iPod... Maybe Apple will replace it on warranty. They are usually pretty good about such things....